I always wish to make my blog more like a HOME for my friends and family. It's SAD that it's not a physical space that you, reader, can walk into, and thus be installed both physically and emotionally in this space between my eyes on the screen and my fingers, click, tap, rapping away.
But, at the very least, I can provide the option of some background music. So that you can hear what it is that is going on behind my brain as I think and write. Feel free to allow this to play, and read my script! Or, ha. You can watch the video. Consider it a tutorial on "jerkin"--I can't help but feel like it's a California thing.
why you trippin i ain't even do a thang
I had an idea last night to call Alana and Erica, my two favorite alesbians, because as I remember, they go into San Francisco to casually wine and dine on Wednesdays, to meet with some other couch-surfers. And this is pride month, people! (And in San Francisco, every minute seems like a pride month) So I checked the San Francisco PRIDE website, and found out that tonight, there's a spoken word show about trans/non-trans women, a short-film SHOWING in a theatre called The Garage and other recklessly exciting and dangerous things.
And as I learn more and more everyday.....It's my life! And I'm going! So, instead of texting Alana to see if she'd let me accompany her to the city this evening. I invited her to join ME at a spoken word concert!! (Jessica Lovins, this is why you need to be AQUI!)My friend, Jess, performs her own poetry in Charleston, SC. She's PRETTY cool and daring.
[Oh. And add this to my list, stenographer of my life. There are two SKILLS that I once upon a time drunkenly concluded that I simply needed to master if I ever expected to be a role model of gender androgyny. One, I need to be able to fight well. I'm sorry to everyone who saw the movie, but Lara Croft will not be matched by ANY man, which by all constructs of the gender role regime, is strictly forbidden. Another good example, Caroline Benzel: Aikido Master. Another example of a woman individual who has taken her defense and offense into her own (hyah-hyah!) Hands! Of course, in the example of Lara Croft, a man can, in fact, master her in the ways of LOVE--isn't that how all action movies with female heroes happen--but I really think that this is just a....a ramification! A ramification of a popular American narrative structure! So, I will not be derailed! (Caroline creates her own narrative structure, may I add. So anyone mastering her will be always completely unpredicted.) The SECOND skill, is of course, breakdancing. Enough said, I think. We women will never be true to our skins until we can all fight, and breakdance. And now a third; perform spoken word. We got to get COCKY wid it]
Got your girl on my swagg she lovin them jerkin songs
Like the new ipod just touch it and turn her on
Before I'm leavin to the city, I think I'll have to go buy pants. For work! I got the job at Barnes and Noble, and my interview at Peet's Coffee ended with me and the two managers moaning about the OLDEN days of QUALITY coffee. Hah! I think I'm in!
Yur a jerk! (I know)
Yur a jerk! (I know)
Lots to get done, gotta get outta here!
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