Libraries were closed for a non-existant holiday. I'm anxiously awaiting day 1 of Barnes and Noble, I'm going to pay over 10 dollars for a movie tonight, and I'll admit it.......I'm feeling a little socially STIFF today, like it's harder today than it is other days. A little bit like loneliness. It's not a big deal, I just don't think I got enough sun. AND I met another creep named Homeless Gary who (drat!) i gave my number too. He made me uncomfortable, and I don't like that it's been two consecutive days of my inevitable sexualization.
At least I know that, according to Gary, I'm the "perfect kind of short". To sleep with. Cause he can lift girls like me up. Not that he has yet. I know; he told me.
I didn't get SHIT done!
But with some relief, the day is ending, and I can yell.....
speaking from 5 months of experiencing men holla at me 'cus i'm blonde and, let's face it, gorgeous, it get's old and frustrating and you feel a little gross. don't let 'em talk to you like that, just tell them they don't have no chance witchu and avoid that "i'm not uncomfortable even though I really am uncomfortable" tone because they aren't catching on.
ReplyDelete<3 you, i'm coming home soon and sad you won't be there when i arrive. :(