otherwise known as Monkey D. Luffy of the Mugiwara Pirates, or "麦わら海賊団" or Straw Hat Pirates.
He has a lot of friends, and this manga is about how much he'll do for them. He's sort of brainless and goofy and falls asleep at serious times, but his rage when his friends are threatened is sort of primordial and weird, but sweet.
Shout out to my Guatemala crew, my rugby family, to tequila sundays, to "how lucky we are", to taranga ji and brut and the ever-strong baobab, to mosques, and the call to prayer, to Model U.N. to Children's Day and the Solidarity Movement and all the strangers that have put me on a train or lent me a cell phone or laughed when I wiped out on the street.
Manga has a weird role here in Japanese culture, it's like the animated versions of Japanese selves that can never be. Fascinating, for sure. Definitely another weird side of Japaneaziness. But I'd be lying if I said America doesn't have it's own "manga fantasies". (Bad Girl's Club, America's Next Top Whatever, Real Life: I'm on crack, whatever whatever)
To pirates! :D
To the longevity of friendships started in dire circumstances, and what friendship isn't !?
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