i really REALLY really-really am enjoying myself. Jumping fences, the sudden exhiliration and humiliation of nearly peeing your pants. Takin a journey to the center of the earth? Goin' around the world in 80 days? It's a lot like exploring abandoned men's locker rooms in the dead of night, rolling (note, not skating) on a longboard, and SWIMMING in a california pool. I'm tellin ya. You want to feel like a story from the Bible? Want to feel a bit biblical? Pick any ole bearded friend, any bearded friend will do.....make a few casual decisions, and then just FUCK it, DOO it. Are you going to go hottubbing after jerkin' it and kickin it with beyonce at the LGBT office? Make it biblical, kick it with a pagan.
Dipping in the hot tub was pretty remarkable too. Doing it all against the law style, in the middle of the night, with my extremely sexy and fun friends was beyond cool. What's really somethin is that I think that the four of us have decided to plan a road trip to TAHOE my last monday and tuesday before I leave on Thursday! Or do I leave friday......
I like meeting people that were interesting enough to apply an easy THEME to an evening. For instance.
Vicky Christina Barcelona? A jug of Sangria? God bless us!
And today........I hope to see many familiar and beautiful faces.
i'm a sexy fun friend! bye olivia... :( xoxo