Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why all the big emphasis on this EARTH thing, olivia?

Well, my friends. If I forget that I have lovers and sisters and best friends, and close-seconds in close proximity (which of course, necessitates remembering that in the context of the universe and our imaginations and maybe other dimensions, we are really VERY close) I would feel so sad and lonely!

Let's talk logistics! My number one roommate and best friend, Karen, is in Barcelona, stuck in a space-time continuum of 10 months; my darling girlfriend is adventuring in the legal pyramids of India, my mentor sister Patricia is in a second-floor apartment in Portland, OR (not maine). My family is near enough to Chicago, in this relative construct I'm creating, that there's no need to specify which immediate suburb of Chicago they're ACTUALLY in. My little bratz doll look-alike sister is probably at Great America, which is after all an amusement park of one square mile, which implicates an area after all much LARGER, the America itself, which is more than one square mile. I bet Annelise is on busey and high, laughing in her living room to people that annoy her, or at Nathan's loveshack! Drinking coffee from a tall glass, earthenware mug that just SCREAMS....."i scream maturity". And Carl, oh alamo carl, my carl, man of the are doing something BAD.

Maggie's visiting Dodi. Maggie will leave back to Chicago, which is a three hour drive by car. I had a four hour flight from Chicago to Portland, and then a nineteen hour train ride to San Jose! I'm further!

And I don't even have a SENSE of where the carolinas are in comparison to this Seattle's Best coffee stand, next to the "general religion" section, in this Borders!! (I'm not even in seattle. Seattle's greatness extends so far that it opens shops in central california). So Ms. Lovins is only an imaginary friend, with a phone number!

Buenos Aires may be the closest thing to me right now. Right, Tones?


What I'm saying is!

As my community gets LARGER.....i want my friends to stay close. 

But more later. Now is the time for the resting pre-bike ride.


  1. Yes, that is what happens. We all start to move farther and farther apart, yet in some way, at the same time, the world gets smaller as we go - we find that we aren't so far apart after all, cause we've been there before. Its all relative (to experiences). Good thoughts.
