I moved to Colombia and went to church on a Sunday.
I'm holier than thou in the sixth row of pews, wiping my brow, sitting in a slick pool of my own sweaty prayers. I'm sensing again what this scene reminds me of--my colleagues here have started to ignore how often I say it, but I've been quietly insisting that everything here seems a derivation of an alien world, seems taken from another moment, another city; other realms far away from here.
This church, is it the church of Tierra Magna or is it the old cathedral in my mother's home town Elblag. Are these murmerering Catholics dark-haired or light, Polish or Colombiano, green-eyed or brown? Blancos, negros; rich or poor; inside the walled city, inside los edificios grandes or rinsing themselves in ocean water in the shadows of those building in the shadows of the walls of the walled city. Am I walking through Bogota or that cold, grey business district of Minato-ku, Tokyo. Why do I feel like I'm floating on an island of Hispaniola racism and those familiarly fried platanos from this land mass very firmly connected to the continent...and how come everything I note here in Cartagena catches me in a squinty-eyed memory-seeking mood like I've seen this before somewhere else?
The women are Haitian (they're not though), distrusting me my glittering brown hair and arrogant boastfully sunburnt skin; their neighors and husbands validating my legs and my flaws over theirs (This is Istanbul, it's Dakar, it's Harlem). I want to comfort them, tell them their boyfriends and brothers don't actually love me--forget me, actually, rapidly, because my blue eyes hover in a sea of blue-eyed money, not unique.
It is a trick, a riddle; it's an optical illusion I am participating in.
But it isn't actually a place that reminds me of past homes and different lives; it's a city and a country on the receiving end of a mixed history. Of colonization and the Spanish, and revolutions turned terror and a country of natural resources--waterfalls and coasts and whales and coal mines and narcotics, all a result of the recursos curse. It's mired in contradictions and of complexity and for that reason it takes me more than a day, more than a week to adjust and to focus on Colombia as itself and not as a reminder of the million histories I have seen elsewhere. Colombia, actually, is unique in the way that so many different national-identity narratives exist here. And Cartagena is unique because it houses these narratives as neighbors. The grotesquely rich adjacent to the vulnerable poor, their houses leaning on one another; all Cartageneros. Some look Spanish, some look like me--I couldn't pass in Japan the way I do here, or Senegal. Black communities are poor communities. One of the professors in Los Andes said that he didn't know a single black student in the university in Bogota. I know what that means: racial, social infrastructures are in place, another kind of resource curse--and while I've seen it everywhere else, it's my job if I am going to do good work for Granitos de Paz, the foundation I'm working for, to disengage from the still life portrait that Cartagena seems to be and sells itself as.
And if I am not very careful, Cartagena can be just a beautiful tourist town or just the most socially inequitable town in Colombia; either description nullifies it into a photo of a photo. In its old city center, a hub of touristy activity, the buildings seem perfectly aged. Sculpted to perfect dilapidation, intentional. Meanwhile, on the drive to the poorest barrio in Cartagena, Rafael Nunez, I'm passing twenty story apartment buildings reserved for tourists here on their month vacation. (The beach is outside their window, but the second or third floors hold a private pool).
It would be dangerous to sit nostalgic in this country, or to oversimplify Cartagena and to only realize after my wallet is gone or my time spent, wasted on a beach, or sheltered in a hostel, or my life 'napped by the paramilitares (!) or my energies focused on creating resources that already exist across the lot in the other neighborhood...that this place was very present this whole time and that there was a network connection I hadn't wired myself into--that I'd missed everything...because the half-truth without the other half makes it un-true.
The city invites me to do it. To see one circuit and ignore the other.
I do not take the baptism.
I cross myself, an atheist, and leave the church the way I came in.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

growing up.
A possibility of taking any one piece of my uncultivated self and focusing upon it 1000 beams of light and love, well, thats scary, because the higher you
grow, the further you are from the furthest part of yourself, your toes, squelching through the mud-streaked grasses and the gravel and the dirty pavement and the trash.
Can you still see and know and feel the ground, once you've set yourself on the path of soaring; do birds think of their feet as feet anymore? A reality in which there is an AWESOME version of me that doesn't forget how to love being average...Roots and trunk and sky-scraping,
manifest, self-actualizing trees. Growing UP. A big big tree that kids weave all their memories through and around and around and around.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Every day I'm shufflin'
On this side of the edge of glory in a million ways. Physically exhausted including this pulling on my heart piece that comes from challenging and tender moments with people (new friends, old friends, strangers) places (the top of a mountain,the sea, a geisha training house, in the shadows of glicka man, on a boat on a river, in the floating gardens above Osaka, and every train, bus, taxi and hair salon in between AND things (tequila, takoyaki and my Giants jersey--shinnosuke!!).
My body is filthy, where da soap at?! the painting smock onesie I'm wearing isn't the high end fashion it was when I started this trip, it's dusty and grimy; my sweat has dried in it to an extreme in the sopping heat of the kansai area. my flip flops have been flattened by the weight of my tread-heavy self and such is the lfe of a vacationing vagabond.
But, despite....as a friend said, I've had a Japan-affirming week, my soul needed a break from the soullessness, and I feel soulful hopeful and happy yet again.
Dear friends, all friends, every friend. No place would be worth traveling to without friends. Every Kinkakuji temple is just a wooden house with a cute gold leaf paint job unless you have someone with whom to share your water, take photos of or one day reminisce about. And the friends we tell about it to are the family we struggle to keep close even as they are doing the sightseeing version of their own lives.
Best. Birthday. Ever.
My body is filthy, where da soap at?! the painting smock onesie I'm wearing isn't the high end fashion it was when I started this trip, it's dusty and grimy; my sweat has dried in it to an extreme in the sopping heat of the kansai area. my flip flops have been flattened by the weight of my tread-heavy self and such is the lfe of a vacationing vagabond.
But, despite....as a friend said, I've had a Japan-affirming week, my soul needed a break from the soullessness, and I feel soulful hopeful and happy yet again.
Dear friends, all friends, every friend. No place would be worth traveling to without friends. Every Kinkakuji temple is just a wooden house with a cute gold leaf paint job unless you have someone with whom to share your water, take photos of or one day reminisce about. And the friends we tell about it to are the family we struggle to keep close even as they are doing the sightseeing version of their own lives.
Best. Birthday. Ever.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Bright Lights; Bigger City

Takin apart my first bike in two years, it's as much of a question mark as it was with that dusty rusty Schwinn cruiser....but this time there's no co-op, no wall of wrenches! Which I miss! It's just me in a parking lot behind my apartment, squeezed between a rice paddy and Surprise Land. K-pop in my headphones makes this place as bumpin' as a gay bar, though, and I look pretty dykey so I guess it all fits.
Been seriously debating the role of the city in my identity. Like, what am I when people can't sneer that I'm a city girl.....just a dummy in a tank top with a weird haircut. Been trying to embrace that dummy this week. And having a surprisingly hard time. Doesn't help that I got wasted with students at a BBQ and karaoke and had to struggle with a terrible hangover my only other day off this week.
So I guess I'll have to wait and see
But I'm just gonna let something brand new happen to me
So this week it's been "deny the city, deny that girl, she's in Chicago, she's in Dakar. She's far as sin, so forget about her for a year and live this new life."
And of course LOVE this new life, too.
I been livin for the weekend
But no not anymore
And for a moment finally, I felt relieved....I can sit on my ass covered in dirt in a parking lot next to a rice farmer sowin' his rice paddy, and realize I don't have the right size wrench to pull apart a bike I got for free out of a student's garage.
But I thought about something really fucking awesome. That I want to want the city too, and that it's okay that I'm excited to be there this weekend.
And it may just be more of the same
But sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name
So shout out to my little sister, who's way wiser to me, and who brought me around to these thoughts with a bit of SICK pop music, thank you cee lo.
And it's alright
It's alright
Bright lights and the big city
Now Friday's cool
But there's somethin about Saturday night
You can't say what you won't do
Cuz you know that you just might
I'm alive this evening
It was love at first sight
This Saturday
And every Saturday for the rest of my life
And everyone's standin in line
Yeah lookin good and lookin for a real good time
So I'll never have to wonder if
I'll have someone to share all of this with
Yes I need it
Everybody does
Cocktails and conversation
Music and making love
Monday, May 9, 2011
Suwa-neazy me-eazy: A confession.
Torn between two lifestyles again—

ONE: there’s the first grader that wants to only live in books, with dynasties, and misguided evil-doers and charismatic, wise old tutors and lifelong kinship with horses, etc and TWO: that every-second-is-lent-to-you-by-luck to enable your personal efforts to slow the snowballing of pandemic poverty, so act accordingly, efficaciously and in good taste.
Suwa-shi is the most selfish place I’ve ever lived, THAT’S for sure.
I have health insurance, I throw away leftovers, and I live alone, journal alone, read alone and catch up on the social media I missed as a kid…alone. I’m fascinated, entertained.
What do I remember from my youth?
The day I stopped shopping in the sci-fi, fantasy section. What a painful, terrible memory—like the moment you’re sent to military boarding school and your future is decided forever until the day you sit down in the middle of war and think “what am I doing, and who is it that brought me here?”.
I have a confession to make:
I’m a nerdy-ass, super not-cool, sci-fi idiot….the kind that weeps!
Out of desperation that I’m not descended from gods, that I wasn’t orphaned as a kid only to discover later my latent destiny to revive the magic of mankind. I have been in mourning since the day I first put my butt down on the carpet in the Young Adult section of the public library.

I, Olivia, prefer my books today; and movies that take place on planets with beautiful people and righteous royalty……
what makes my books a stranger fiction than what people think about Burma or Tibet or the Arizona border, or child-sex-tourism...all of it is unreal to somebody--most of it is stuff we only read about anyway. Today, let's not feed anybody, let's fall asleep in a heavy fog and wake up with a certainty that this story ends delightfully.
I’ve been in unrequited love with so many facets of a turning page for too long, it's embarassing. I’ve just finally stopped being overwhelmed at the sight of the next blank page, the end of a book, like a genocide; the end of a thousand breathing lives! The melodrama delights me!
This was supposed to be a blog about my love of magic—my little sister’s AP tests are over, and her summer is about to start. She got a job as a lifeguard at a little pool in BG. I want her to run through a meadow and get sunburned and get tan lines and poison ivy and build a tree house
and fish in a pond and jump in, and chew stalks of grass and feel the breeze and find a cause (and I hope it’s rooted in magic) but that’s too ambitious. a woman’s shelter, or the kid’s cancer unit….those things, I hear are magical.
I’m just afraid for my baby sister, who is living in a big house in a big suburb, and she doesn’t read sci-fi. How will she ever know that there’s magic all around if she doesn’t hear it whispering in her ear late at night with a flash light and a book just a little too close to her face.
ONE: there’s the first grader that wants to only live in books, with dynasties, and misguided evil-doers and charismatic, wise old tutors and lifelong kinship with horses, etc and TWO: that every-second-is-lent-to-you-by-luck to enable your personal efforts to slow the snowballing of pandemic poverty, so act accordingly, efficaciously and in good taste.
Suwa-shi is the most selfish place I’ve ever lived, THAT’S for sure.

What do I remember from my youth?
The day I stopped shopping in the sci-fi, fantasy section. What a painful, terrible memory—like the moment you’re sent to military boarding school and your future is decided forever until the day you sit down in the middle of war and think “what am I doing, and who is it that brought me here?”.
I have a confession to make:

Out of desperation that I’m not descended from gods, that I wasn’t orphaned as a kid only to discover later my latent destiny to revive the magic of mankind. I have been in mourning since the day I first put my butt down on the carpet in the Young Adult section of the public library.

I, Olivia, prefer my books today; and movies that take place on planets with beautiful people and righteous royalty……

I’ve been in unrequited love with so many facets of a turning page for too long, it's embarassing. I’ve just finally stopped being overwhelmed at the sight of the next blank page, the end of a book, like a genocide; the end of a thousand breathing lives! The melodrama delights me!
This was supposed to be a blog about my love of magic—my little sister’s AP tests are over, and her summer is about to start. She got a job as a lifeguard at a little pool in BG. I want her to run through a meadow and get sunburned and get tan lines and poison ivy and build a tree house

I’m just afraid for my baby sister, who is living in a big house in a big suburb, and she doesn’t read sci-fi. How will she ever know that there’s magic all around if she doesn’t hear it whispering in her ear late at night with a flash light and a book just a little too close to her face.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
One Piece; Monkī Dī Rufi

otherwise known as Monkey D. Luffy of the Mugiwara Pirates, or "麦わら海賊団" or Straw Hat Pirates.
He has a lot of friends, and this manga is about how much he'll do for them. He's sort of brainless and goofy and falls asleep at serious times, but his rage when his friends are threatened is sort of primordial and weird, but sweet.
Shout out to my Guatemala crew, my rugby family, to tequila sundays, to "how lucky we are", to taranga ji and brut and the ever-strong baobab, to mosques, and the call to prayer, to Model U.N. to Children's Day and the Solidarity Movement and all the strangers that have put me on a train or lent me a cell phone or laughed when I wiped out on the street.
Manga has a weird role here in Japanese culture, it's like the animated versions of Japanese selves that can never be. Fascinating, for sure. Definitely another weird side of Japaneaziness. But I'd be lying if I said America doesn't have it's own "manga fantasies". (Bad Girl's Club, America's Next Top Whatever, Real Life: I'm on crack, whatever whatever)
To pirates! :D
To the longevity of friendships started in dire circumstances, and what friendship isn't !?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
This is the way I live.
you know why time moves so strangely in japan, like so fast, and so slow, is because i can't read anything on the streets. it's all kanji symbols and katakana and slashes and dots, and so it's like i live on a sim city grid, and it's amazing and it's like a gift, as if time isn't happening for me this year....or rather, it's as if time is finally functioning as i need it to....without me in it.

it takes me two hours at the grocery store in the tomato aisle, thinking, today do i buy local or do i buy organic--organic: they say they don't use pesticides, but the trucks that transported them here caused enough air pollution to make bad their organic promise. BAM. do i choose water pollution or air pollution today, plus local farmers tend to have higher attention to social consciousness, so do i support them even if they used some OFF on the vines this year? Or should I just pick the tomatoes with the least packaging, because styrofoam is disasterous and embarassing to use....
but here it takes me a bewildered 30 seconds--to pick some tomatoes that are less than 100 yen and are probably genetically modified as is the japanese fashion--incessant genetic modification; everything modification.
it's not a good way to live, it's not the way i want to live, guessing, living, being, chillin. but it's a break, and i need it, and I'm grateful to pollute and be wasteful and a non-functioning slob of an idealist that lost her way.
it's like a day trip, this year. wholly intended to have no purpose, other than to fertilize the seed of the other side of this day.

and while I'm here, I'm learning how to buy tupperware and keep paper in folders, and have cool pencil cases and highlighters that erase, and manage a phone bill, and to buy too many shoes and talk less, and sing more, and more badly, and be at work 15 minutes early, and wear a white collar for a little while. those aren't the most important things I'm learning....I guess that would be learning how to live quietly, silently even, conversing constantly and amiably with myself. In short, my lack of input in this kanji world of rose blush and digitally magnified eyeballs makes for an exotic and revolutionary output in myself that is teaching me to breath and make decisions, and THAT is the most important thing I am learning in Japan. It's the land of not making decisions, of not having an opinion, and of not foresaking thy families or the clock.
And for me, someone living in the bloodied shadow of contrition, I am thankful to learn the little Japanese things, like a love for compartmentalization and efficiency.
And I shall be the most organized sociopath in the whole world, am I right, Maggie? :) Che started off in medical school. Malcolm X worked in an ice cream shop in Harlem. And even Chelsea Handler was a virgin once.
With much love and attention,
This is the way I live,

it takes me two hours at the grocery store in the tomato aisle, thinking, today do i buy local or do i buy organic--organic: they say they don't use pesticides, but the trucks that transported them here caused enough air pollution to make bad their organic promise. BAM. do i choose water pollution or air pollution today, plus local farmers tend to have higher attention to social consciousness, so do i support them even if they used some OFF on the vines this year? Or should I just pick the tomatoes with the least packaging, because styrofoam is disasterous and embarassing to use....
but here it takes me a bewildered 30 seconds--to pick some tomatoes that are less than 100 yen and are probably genetically modified as is the japanese fashion--incessant genetic modification; everything modification.
it's not a good way to live, it's not the way i want to live, guessing, living, being, chillin. but it's a break, and i need it, and I'm grateful to pollute and be wasteful and a non-functioning slob of an idealist that lost her way.
it's like a day trip, this year. wholly intended to have no purpose, other than to fertilize the seed of the other side of this day.

and while I'm here, I'm learning how to buy tupperware and keep paper in folders, and have cool pencil cases and highlighters that erase, and manage a phone bill, and to buy too many shoes and talk less, and sing more, and more badly, and be at work 15 minutes early, and wear a white collar for a little while. those aren't the most important things I'm learning....I guess that would be learning how to live quietly, silently even, conversing constantly and amiably with myself. In short, my lack of input in this kanji world of rose blush and digitally magnified eyeballs makes for an exotic and revolutionary output in myself that is teaching me to breath and make decisions, and THAT is the most important thing I am learning in Japan. It's the land of not making decisions, of not having an opinion, and of not foresaking thy families or the clock.
And for me, someone living in the bloodied shadow of contrition, I am thankful to learn the little Japanese things, like a love for compartmentalization and efficiency.
And I shall be the most organized sociopath in the whole world, am I right, Maggie? :) Che started off in medical school. Malcolm X worked in an ice cream shop in Harlem. And even Chelsea Handler was a virgin once.
With much love and attention,
This is the way I live,
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