Takin apart my first bike in two years, it's as much of a question mark as it was with that dusty rusty Schwinn cruiser....but this time there's no co-op, no wall of wrenches! Which I miss! It's just me in a parking lot behind my apartment, squeezed between a rice paddy and Surprise Land. K-pop in my headphones makes this place as bumpin' as a gay bar, though, and I look pretty dykey so I guess it all fits.
Been seriously debating the role of the city in my identity. Like, what am I when people can't sneer that I'm a city girl.....just a dummy in a tank top with a weird haircut. Been trying to embrace that dummy this week. And having a surprisingly hard time. Doesn't help that I got wasted with students at a BBQ and karaoke and had to struggle with a terrible hangover my only other day off this week.
So I guess I'll have to wait and see
But I'm just gonna let something brand new happen to me
So this week it's been "deny the city, deny that girl, she's in Chicago, she's in Dakar. She's far as sin, so forget about her for a year and live this new life."
And of course LOVE this new life, too.
I been livin for the weekend
But no not anymore
And for a moment finally, I felt relieved....I can sit on my ass covered in dirt in a parking lot next to a rice farmer sowin' his rice paddy, and realize I don't have the right size wrench to pull apart a bike I got for free out of a student's garage.
But I thought about something really fucking awesome. That I want to want the city too, and that it's okay that I'm excited to be there this weekend.
And it may just be more of the same
But sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name
So shout out to my little sister, who's way wiser to me, and who brought me around to these thoughts with a bit of SICK pop music, thank you cee lo.
And it's alright
It's alright
Bright lights and the big city
Now Friday's cool
But there's somethin about Saturday night
You can't say what you won't do
Cuz you know that you just might
I'm alive this evening
It was love at first sight
This Saturday
And every Saturday for the rest of my life
And everyone's standin in line
Yeah lookin good and lookin for a real good time
So I'll never have to wonder if
I'll have someone to share all of this with
Yes I need it
Everybody does
Cocktails and conversation
Music and making love